Board of Directors

The Ridgebury Elementary School PTA strives to improve the lives of our students and parents through enrichment, advocacy for the needs of students and teachers, and opportunities to connect with each other outside of regular school activities.


Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in serving on the board? Contact us! Find us in the online directory.


Co-President - Laura Holdgrafer

Co-PresidentMelissa Avery


Treasurer - Desiree Camilleri


Recording Secretary - Shannon Tomaszewski

Recording Secretary - Nicole Ufier


VP Communications - Ann Guercio


VP Enrichment - Erin Jacobstein

VP Enrichment - Justine Bouchia


VP Fundraising - RoseAnne Spallone-Nagle



VP School Support - Sarah Blosat

VP School Support - Anna Ferrara


VP Social - Karissa Basabe

VP Social - Caitlin Bellagamba


VP Beautification - Sari Yaffe

VP Beautification - Deanna Lovasik


Special Services Representative - Jasmine Gannalo


Parliamentarian - Amy Goralnick


Past President - Ashley Marciano